Saturday 16 November 2013

New Bat Species for Hong Kong caught at So Lo Pun in 2005 - Greater Bamboo Bat (Tylonycteris robustula)

On 21 July 2005, a live bat specimen was caught by a double height 6m mist net at So Lo Pun in Plover Cove Country Park. On careful examination of the body features and measurements, the specimen was confirmed to be the Greater Bamboo Bat (Tylonycteris robustula), a member of the Vespertilionidae. This is the first record of this species in Hong Kong, and discovery raised raised the total number of bat species in Hong Kong to 23.

There are now two species of Tylonycteris in Hong Kong. The other is the Lesser Bamboo Bat
(T. pachypus) which was firstly recorded in Hong Kong in 1996 (Ades, 1996). Both species have the greatly flattened skull and the presence of cushions or pads on their thumbs and feet. Such features are remarkably adapted for gaining access to and roosting in the hollow joints of bamboo stems. It is likely that the captured specimen roosted in the Chinese Thorny Bamboo (Bambusa sinospinosa) near the mist netting site.

See reports at:

Hong Kong Biodiversity. Issue Number 9. September 2005:

Report to Advisory Council on the Environment (Nature Conservation Sub-committee) Committee Paper NCSC 2/06:

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