Friday 22 November 2013

Hoi Ha Wan highest ranking soft shore in Hong Kong in terms of biodiversity

In 2006 a Study on the Soft Shore in Hoi Ha Wan Marine Park was published1 which identified the soft shore of HHWMP as an ecologically important habitat, as it supports the highest number of species (in terms of Polychaeta, Crustacea and Mollusca) when compared with 40 other soft shores in Hong Kong and is thus the highest ranking soft shore among 40 other soft shores in Hong Kong in terms of biodiversity. 

The following diagram shows the study area:

Literature review

The following is an extract from the study and documents the literature review undertaken for the Biodiversity Survey:

2.1. Biodiversity survey

A comprehensive literature review on relevant studies was conducted to establish a species list of the flora and fauna observed in the HHWMP soft shore in the past (Table 1). The sampling locations of previous studies have been renamed to correspond to Sections A – D of the present study, as described previously in Section 1.3. A total of 22 surveys have been conducted in HHWMP, covering subtidal, sandy shore, freshwater stream, rocky shore and mangrove habitats.

Sections A and B have received the most research attention, while Sections D and E have received the least research effort, in which only two Ocypode sp. (ghost crab) and two Oligochaeta species have been reported. A total of 309 species have been found including five mangrove plant species, nine algal species, one protozoan species, and the remaining were animal species. Terrestrial fauna comprised mainly insects (24 species) and gastropods (6 species), which were all found in section B. To discount these terrestrial species, a total of 264 marine macrobenthos could be observed at the HHW soft shore and they could be divided into five major taxonomic groups including Mollusca (114 species), Crustacea (28 species), Polychaeta (70 species) and Oligochaeta (32 species). Dominant marine species included bivalves Musculista senhausia, nerites Clithon oualaniensis, Ostracods, polychaete Family Nereidae, Eusyllis sp. and Aonides sp., and flatworms (Table 1). Other taxonomic groups included Cnidaria (2 species), Porifera (1 species), Nemertea (8 species), Nematoda (1 species), Platyhelminthes (1 species) and Echinodermata (7 species).

Table 1. Flora and fauna recorded in the soft shore at the Hoi Ha Wan Marine Park (Note: the abundance recorded in Shea (1992) represents total number of individuals in his sampling. It can, therefore, be used to indicate relative abundance only; the abundance in Sundberg et al. (1992) and Liu (1992) were expressed as number per 0.00175 m3 and number per 0.25 m2, respectively)

Taxa. Sampling location. Abundance

Foraminifera Section B (sandy shore) 1q

Hydra sp. Section B (estuary area) 3q
Anthopleura japonica Rocky shores (western side) 18m

Baetis spp. Section B (upper stream) 79q
Caenis Section B (upper stream) 5q
Chorotepes sp. Section B (upper stream) 5q
Cinygmina sp. Section B (upper stream) 9q
Indobaetis sp. Section B (upper stream) 25q
Paegniodes cupulatus Section B (upper stream) 3q
Procloeon sp. Section B (upper stream) 57q
Pseudocleon Section B (upper stream) 51q
Neoperla sp. Section B (upper stream) 1q
Elmidae Section B (upper stream) 2q
Psephenoides sp. Section B (upper stream) 5q
Corixidae Section B (upper stream) 3q
Anisocentropus maculates Section B (upper stream) 11q
Cheumatopsyche Section B (upper stream) 1q
Coerodes hongkongensis Section B (upper stream) 2q
Hydroptilidae Section B (upper stream) 1q
Ceratopogonidae Section B (upper stream) 2q
Chironominae Section B (upper stream, stream mouth and sandy shores) 144, 12, 60q
Empididae Section B (upper stream) 6q
Orthocladiinae Section B (upper stream) 54q
Similium Section B (upper stream) 12q
Tanypodinae Section B (upper stream) 18q
Tipulidae Section B (upper stream) 7q
Collembola Section B (upper stream) 1q

Atactodea striata Section B (sandy shore) 1q
Circe sp. Section B (stream mouth) 4q
Donax cuneatus Section B (stream mouth and sandy shores) 15, 27q
Donax faba Section B (stream mouth) 7q
Isognomon ephippium Rocky shores (west side) 23m
Musculista senhausia Section B (stream mouth and sandy shores) 127, 151q
Pinna bicolor Subtidal NAn
Saccostrea cucullata Rocky shores (eastern and western sides) 34n
Tapes philippinarum Section B (sandy shore) 2q
Tapes variegatus Section B (stream mouth and sandy shores) 1, 3q
Mesodesmatidae sp. Section B (stream mouth) 1q
Armina punctilopsis No specified locations indicated NAl
Chromodoris lineolata Subtidal NAq
Chromodoris orientalis Subtidal NAq
Chromodoris rubrocornuta Subtidal NAq
Chromodoris sinensis Subtidal NAq
Glossodoris atromarginata Subtidal NAp
Glossodoris cincta Subtidal NAp
Gymnodoris inornata Subtidal NAq
Hypselodoris festiva Subtidal NAp
Hypselodoris maritime Subtidal NAp
Hypselodoris placida Subtidal NAp
Kaloplocamus acutus Subtidal NAq
Lamellana gymnota No specified locations indicated NAl
Noumea nivalis Subtidal NAq
Nudibranchia species Section B (sandy shore) 1q
Brotia hainanensis Section B (upper stream) 2q
Melanoides tuberculata Section B (upper stream) 3q
Thiara scabra Section B (stream mouth) 31q
Assiminea sp. Section B (stream mouth) 15q
Ferrissia baconi (stream limpet)
Section B (upper stream) 7q
Eocylichna soyoae Section B (stream mouth) 1q
Diodora cruciata No specified locations indicated NAj
Scutus unguis No specified locations indicated NAj
Cellana luchuana No specified locations indicated NAj
Cellana toreuma Rocky shores (eastern and western sides) 1m
Cellana toreuma No specified locations indicated NAj
Collisella luchuana Rocky shores (eastern side) 1m
Patelloida pygmaea Section B (sandy shores) 2q
Patelloida pygmaea Rocky shores (eastern and western sides) 39m
Patelloida pygmaea No specified locations indicated NAj
Siphonaria atra Rocky shores (eastern and western sides) 10m
Siphonaria japonica Rocky shores (eastern and western sides) 4m
Siphonaria sirius Rocky shores (eastern and western sides) 7m
Chlorostoma argyrostoma No specified locations indicated NAj
Clanculus margaritarius No specified locations indicated NAj
Euchelus scaber No specified locations indicated NAj
Hybochelus sp. No specified locations indicated NAj
Monodonta labio Rocky shores (eastern and western sides) 14m
Monodonta labio No specified locations indicated NAj
Tectus maculatus No specified locations indicated NAj
Tectus pyramis No specified locations indicated NAj
Clithon oualaniensis No specified locations indicated NAj
Dentarene loculosa No specified locations indicated NAj
Liotina sp. Section B (sandy shore) 4q
Lunella coronata Section B (stream mouth) 2q
Lunella coronata Rocky shores (eastern and western sides) 6m
Lunella coronata No specified locations indicated NAj
Clithon oualaniensis Section B (stream mouth and sandy shores) 179, 195q
Clithon retropictus Section B (upper stream and stream  mouth) 2, 3q
Nerita albicilla Rocky shores (eastern and western sides) 8m
Nerita albicilla No specified locations indicated NAj
Nerita chamaeleon Rocky shores (eastern side) 5m
Nerita chameleon No specified locations indicated NAj
Nerita polita No specified locations indicated NAj
Nerita squamulata No specified locations indicated NAj
Littoraria articulata Section B (stream mouth) 1q
Littoraria articulata Rocky shores (west side) 1m
Littoraria articulata No specified locations indicated NAj
Littoraria brevicula No specified locations indicated NAj
Littoraria melanostoma No specified locations indicated NAj
Nodilittorina exigua Rocky shores (east and west sides) 5m
Nodilittorina radiata No specified locations indicated NAj
Nodilittorina vidua No specified locations indicated NAj
Nodillittorina pyramidalis Rocky shores (east side) 3m
Paesiella infracostata No specified locations indicated NAj
Paesiella lutulenta No specified locations indicated NAj
Paesiella roepstorffiana Section B (stream mouth) 6q
Paesiella roepstorffiana Rocky shores (east and west sides) 11m
Paesiella roepstorffiana No specified locations indicated NAj
Phosinella sp. No specified locations indicated NAj
Rissoa sp. No specified locations indicated NAj
Turritella bacillus subtidal NAj
Cerithium sp. No specified locations indicated NAj
No specified locations indicated NAj
Planaxis sulcatus Rocky shores (eastern and western sides) 6m
Planaxis sulcata No specified locations indicated NAj
Batillaria carbonarium Rocky shores (west side) 4m
Batillaria carbonarium No specified locations indicated NAj
Batillaria multiformis Rocky shores (west side) 8m
Batillaria sordida Rocky shores (west side) 11m
Batillaria sordida No specified locations indicated NAj
Batillaria zonalis No specified locations indicated NAj
Cerithidea cingulata Section B (stream mouth) 54q
Cerithidea rhizophorarum No specified locations indicated NAj
Clypermorus brevis Rocky shores (west side) 10m
Terebralia sulcata Section B (stream mouth) 1q
Terebralia sulcata No specified locations indicated NAj
Crepidula onyx No specified locations indicated NAj
Strombus luhuanus No specified locations indicated NAj
Strombus urceus No specified locations indicated NAj
Strombus vittatis No specified locations indicated NAj
Natica gualtieriana No specified locations indicated NAj
Polinices tumidus No specified locations indicated NAj
Linatella caudate No specified locations indicated NAj
Bursa rana No specified locations indicated NAj
Viriola tricincta No specified locations indicated NAj
Parvioris fulvescens No specified locations indicated NAj
Parvioris mortoni No specified locations indicated NAj
Chicoreus brunneus No specified locations indicated NAj
Chicoreus microphyllus No specified locations indicated NAj
Murex trapa No specified locations indicated NAj
Cronia margariticola No specified locations indicated NAj
Drupella rugosa No specified locations indicated NAj
Morula granulata No specified locations indicated NAj
Morula musiva Rocky shores (east and west sides) 6n
Morula musiva No specified locations indicated NAj
Thais clavigera Rocky shores (east and west sides) 8m
Thais clavigera No specified locations indicated NAj
Babylonia areolata No specified locations indicated NAj
Babylonia lutosa No specified locations indicated NAj
Engina menkaena No specified locations indicated NAj
Pyrene bicincta No specified locations indicated NAj
Nassarius celebensis No specified locations indicated NAj
Nassarius crematus No specified locations indicated NAj
Nassarius festivus No specified locations indicated NAj
Nassarius festivus No specified locations indicated NAb
Nassarius livescens No specified locations indicated NAj
Nassarius siquijorensis No specified locations indicated NAj
Perisernia sp. No specified locations indicated NAj
Mitra aurantia No specified locations indicated NAj
Pterygia crenulata No specified locations indicated NAj
Inquisitor flavidula Subtidal NAj
Lophitoma leucotropis Subtidal NAj
Turricola nelliae Subtidal NAj
Architectonica perspective Subtidal NAj
Turbonilla sp. 1 No specified locations indicated NAj
Turbonilla sp. 2 No specified locations indicated NAq
Philine orientalis Section B (sandy shore) 1q
Philine orientalis Section B (sandy shore) NAs

Copepoda spp. Section B (streams, stream mouth, sandy shore) 92, 8, 51q
Cladocera spp. Section B (upper stream) 72q
Ostracoda spp. Section B (upper stream) 361q
Amphipoda Section B (stream mouth and sandy shores) 43, 83q
Tanaideacea Section B (stream mouth and sandy shores) 10, 1q
Balanus albicostatus Rocky shores (western side) 13m
Pollicipes mitella Rocky shores (eastern side) 10m
Tetraclita japonica Rocky shores (eastern side) 1m
Oniscidea Mangroves NAk
Anchistus custos Subtidal (commensal with Pinna bicolor)
Charybdis truncata Subtidal NAd
Charybdis vadorum Subtidal NAd
Charybdis variegatus Subtidal NAd
Conchodytes monodactylus Subtidal (commensal with Pinna bicolor)
Hermit crabs Section B (stream mouth) 1q
Ocypode ceratophthalma Section, A, B, C and D NAf
Ocypode cordimana Section, A, B, C and D NAf
Portunus hastatoides Subtidal NAd
Scopimera globosa Section B (stream mouth) NAf
Scopimera intermedia Section B (stream mouth) 2q
Sesarma pictum Section B and C NAf
Tmethypocoelis ceratophora Section B (stream mouth) NAf
Section B (stream mouth) 2q
Uca chlorophthalmus Section B, C (mangroves) NAf
Uca crassipes No specified locations indicated NAi
Uca lactea Section B (stream mouth) NAf
Uca lactea No specified locations indicated NAi
Water mites Section B (upper stream and stream mouth) 52, 6q
Agauopsis ammodytes High shore level at sandy shores (15-20 cm sediment depth) 8
Agauopsis arenaria High shore level at sandy shores (15-20 cm sediment depth) 15

Siphonochalina flexa Subtidal NAo

Aonides sp. Section A, B and C 61, 132, 4r
Aricidea sp. Section B 2r
Armandia sp. Section A 1r
Boccardiella sp. Section B 2r
Brania sp. Section A 14r
Capitella sp. Section A and C 1, 5r
Capitellidae sp. Section B 4r
Caulleriella sp. Section C 2r
Ceratonereis sp. A Section A, B and C 40, 3, 15r
Ceratonereis sp. B Section C 1r
Chrysopetalidae Section A and B 1, 1r
Cirratulidae Section B (sandy shores) 2q
Cirratulidae sp. Section A 1r
Cirriformia sp. A Section A and B 35, 11r
Cirriformia sp. B Section A and B 4, 2r
Cirriformia sp. C Section A 1r
Dorvillea sp. Section B 2r
Dorvilleidae sp. Section A 2r
Ehlersia sp. A Section A and B 25, 8r
Ehlersia sp. B Section A and C 20, 7r
Eulalia sp. Section B 7r
Eusyllinae sp. A Section A 30r
Eusyllinae sp. B Section B 1r
Eusyllis sp. Section A, B and C 753, 138, 71r
Galathowenia sp. Section A 3r
Glycera sp. Section B 1r
Glycinde sp. Section A, B and C 1, 2, 1r
Goniadides sp. Section B and C 18, 2r
Gonionidae Section B (stream mouth and sandy shores) 1, 9q
Harmothoe sp. Section A and B 2, 3r
Hesionidae Section B (stream mouth and sandy shores) 3, 13q
Linopherus sp. Section A, B and C 33, 53, 1r
Malacoceros sp. Section C 2r
Micronephthys sp. Section A, B and C 13, 20, 35r
Micropodarke sp. Section A, B and C 122, 31, 3r
Nephtyidae Section B (sandy shores) 1q
Nephtys sp. Section A, B and C 1, 7, 6r
Nereidae Section B (upper stream, stream mouth and sandy shores) 134, 5, 2q
Nereiphylla sp. Section B 1r
Ougia sp. Section A 4r
Paralacydonia sp. Section A and B 1, 1r
Paramphinome sp. Section B 1r
Perinereis sp. Section A 1r
Pettiboneia sp. Section A 8r
Pholoe sp. Section B 1r
Pionosyllis sp. B Section B 5r
Pisione sp. Section B 2r
Podarke sp. A Section A and B 2, 1r
Podarke sp. B Section B 1r
Podarkeopsis sp. Section A and B 2, 1r
Poecilochaetus sp. Section A 1r
Polydora sp. Section B 1r
Polygordius sp. Section B 3r
Prionospio sp. A Section A and B 1, 1r
Prionospio sp. B Section A, B and C 2, 1, 2r
Prionospio sp. C Section A and B 2, 2r
Protodorvillea sp. Section B 3r
Pseudopolydora sp. A Section A, B and C 1, 4, 5r
Pseudopolydora sp. B Section A and B 1, 5r
Saccocirrus sp. Section C 1r
Scolelepis sp. A Section B 3r
Scolelepis sp. B Section A, B and C 5, 1, 2r
Sigambra sp. Section A and B 2, 2r
Sphaerosyllis sp. Section A, B and C 2, 6, 1r
Spionidae Section B (stream mouth and sandy shores) 5, 25q
Syllidae Section B (stream mouth and sandy shores) 1, 92q
Syllides sp. Section A 5r
Tharyx sp. Section A 8r
Typosyllis sp. A Section B and C 24, 3r
Typosyllis sp. B Section A and B 13, 5r
Ainudrilus lutulentus Section B NAh
Aktedrilus cuneus Section C 6r
Aktedrilus longitubularis Section B and C 3, 16r
Aktedrilus mortoni Section A, B and C 2, 7, 68r
Aquatic oligochaetes Section B (upper stream, stream mouth and sandy shores) 41, 28, 38q
Bathydrilus edwardsi East side of the bay NAh
Bathydrilus keenai Subtidal NAh
Heronidrilus bihamis Section A, B and C 2, 24, 45r
Heterodrilus bihamis Subtidal NAh
Limnodrilus rubicundus Section C 1r
Limnodrilus tenuiductus Section C 7r
Limnodrilus toloensis Section C 4r
Marionina coatesae Section B 1r
Marionina coatesae Section A, B and E NAh
Marionina levitheca Section B and C 2, 14r
Marionina levitheca Section A NAh
Marionina nevisensis Section C 45r
Marionina nevisensis Secion A NAh
Paranais litoralis Section E NAh
Paranais plenus Section A and B NAh
Paranais sp. Section A 2r
Pectinodrilus disparatus Section A and C 7, 126r
Pectinodrilus hoihaensis Section C 42r
Pectinodrilus molestus Section B and C 2, 2r
Phallodrilus vanus Subtidal NAh
Phallodrilus vanus East side of the bay NAh
S. sterreri Section A and C 1, 1r
Smithsonidrilus irregularis Section B 1r
Smithsonidrilus tenuiculus Section A NAh
Smithsonidrilus tuber Section C 14r
Stephensonella marina Section C 3r
Tubificidae sp. Section A 1r
Uniporodrillus furcatus Section A, B and C 2, 5. 6r

Callinera sp. Section B and C 1, 1r
Cephalotrix sp. Section B 1r
Euosia verticivarius Section A, B and C 4, 1, 1r
Heteronemertea sp. A Section B 2r
Heteronemertea sp. A Section B 1r
Hoplonemertea sp. Section A 1r
Palaeonemertea sp. A Section A and B 7, 2r
Palaeonemertea sp. B Section B 1r
Procephalotrix arenarius Section A, B and C 33, 41, 36r

Aquatic nematodes Section B (upper stream, stream mouth and sandy shores) 1, 29, 6q

Flatworm Section B (upper stream, stream mouth and sandy shores) 4, 14, 162q

Anthocidaris crassispina Subtidal, rocky substratum on the west side of the bay NAe
Diadema setosum 2 m underwater NAg
Parasalenia gratiosa Subtidal NAt
Salmacis sphaeroides Subtidal NAt
Temnopleurus reevesi Subtidal Nat
Ophioplocus imbricatus 1-2 m underwater NAg
Holothuria leucospilota 1 m underwater Nag

Acanthus Section A1 and B 8, 75c
Aegiceras corniculatum Sections A1, A2 and B 272, 263, 298c
Avicennia marina Section A1 1c
Excoecaria agallocha Sections A1, A2 and B 14, 7, 5c
Kandelia candel Sections A1, A2 and B 116, 7, 2c

Brachytrichia maculans Rocky shores (east and west sides) NAm
Colpomenia sinuosa Rocky shores (east side) NAm
Corallina Rocky shores (east side) NAm
Gelidium divaricatum Rocky shores (east and west sides) NAm
Gomontia Rocky shores (east side) NA1
Hildenbrandtia prototypes Rocky shores (east and west sides) NAm
Monostroma nitidum Rocky shores (east side) NAm
Sargassum hemiphyllum Rocky shores (east side) NAm
Ulva Rocky shores (east and west sides) Nam

Remarks: species names are cited ad verbatim to avoid confusion
a Bartsch 1992; b Chan & Morton 2001; c Chan 1992; d Cheung 1986; e Chiu 1988; f Choi 1992;
g Clark 1982; h Erseus 1984; i Jones & Morton 1994; j Knudsen 1992; k Li 2003; l Lin 1992; m Liu
1992; n Morton 1987; o Pulitzer-Finale 1982, p Rudman & Darvell 1990; q Shea 1992;
r Sundberg et al. 1992; s Taylor & Jensen 1992; t Thompson 1982


1Leung KMY, Lui KKY, Wai TC, Cheung YT, Chan BKK, Yau C (2006). Study on the Soft Shore in Hoi Ha Wan Marine Park. Final Report to the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD/SQ/2/05), the Government of the HKSAR, P.R. China.

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