Monday 17 December 2012

Should East Lamma be included in the Hong Kong Geopark?

A recent paper entitled “Volcanic-plutonic connections in a tilted nested caldera complex in Hong Kong” rewrites the geological interpretation of Hong Kong in a significant and exciting way:

As can be seen in the diagram below, the top of the tilted nested caldera complex is exposed to the east of Hong Kong, around Sai Kung and High Island, whilst the bottom, and equally exciting part of the complex is exposed on Lamma Island:

The question is, given the magnificent uninterrupted and easily accessed coastline that large sections of East Lamma offer, and taking into consideration their considerable geological significance, should sections of this coastline now be designated as part of the Hong Kong Geopark;

At the least, should any proposed developments on Lamma now take cognizance of the remarkable geology of this area?

Key to plutonic rocks in the diagram

G - Granite
M - Quartz Monzonite


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